I have for more than twenty years held numerous speeches around Denmark and in some other countries.
The subjects and the target audience have varied greatly.

Here at a Danish language class at
Lærdansk,, Århus.
I have talked about my own life, I have told about muscular dystrophy and Muskelsvindfonden (the Danish Muscular Dystrophy Association), about the opportunities my life has given in the form of travel, study and acting, about a life with quality and a life with helpers and how my daily life is and a lot of travel speeches from many countries.
I have held speeches nursery classes, for pensioners, been boarding schools, public schools, folk school and higher education institutions. I have been hired for both private events and major conferences.
Here you will see some of the speeches that I can offer.
If you want more information, have questions regarding the booking or just want to know what is possible, please contact me at the address below and let us talk about it.