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planet mobility
for dig der vil til tops
(For you that wants to go to the top)

A grotesque event which, with affectionate irony, caricature experts and lay persons of today.

In 2002 to 2004 I contributed as actor and co-organizer of Kulturforeningen Koronas (the Cultural Association Koronas) event ‘Planet Mobility – for dig der vil til tops’.

The always smiling and gracious Congress stewardess Jytte, keeps track of the rolling panel where 4 wise heads pop up and each of them gives their opinions on how to get to the top of tomorrow's Planet Mobility.

All the panelists are rushing to the conference
The four panelists Professor Bent Clausen, socio consultant Anni Larsen, Physician Dr. Med. Svend Erik Kedélig (Dull) and housewife Birgit Sorensen is ready with their knowledge.
Photos: Iben Michelsen

'Planet Mobility' was a 30-minute event. Et humoristisk og underholdende indslag, der har været vist til kurser, seminarer og kulturaftner.A humorous and entertaining act that has been shown to courses, seminars and cultural events.

The four experts gave presentations about the key issues within Planet Mobility.

Physician Dr. Med. Svend Erik Kedélig fremlagde intet mindre end en verdenssensation indenfor den medicinske forskning om 'Østrogen sekrets udskillelse ved brug af kørestol over toppede brosten'.Svend Erik Kedélig (Dull) presented nothing less than a world sensation in the medical research on the ' separation of estrogen secretions using wheelchairs over cobblestone.

Socio Consultant Anni Larsen. Hjertelig og samtidig rationel som altid.Warm and rational as always. Pondered about the time we have to spend on social interaction to be able come to the top. Tid er penge!!!Time is money!!!

Housewife Birgit Sorensen would not cause any trouble! Med en positiv indstilling gav hun praktiske råd til hvordan man selv overvinder forhindringer.With a positive attitude she gave her practical advice on how to overcome obstacles.

Professor Bent Clausen looks like he has fallen asleep on the microphone
Professor Bent Clausen in a concentrated moment.
Photos: Iben Michelsen

Professor Bent Clausen explained 'intermitologi' as a prerequisite for mobility, with his own academic charm.

Mads Nielsen

Socio Consultant Anni Larsen:
Inger Stoltze Poulsen

Professor Bent Clausen:
Dan R. Brock

Housewife hustru Birgit Sørensen:
Marianne Møller Pedersen

Physician Dr. Med. Svend Erik Kedélig:
Torben Vegener Hansen

Forestillingen blev støttet af Århus Kommunes Vækstlagspulje, Vanførefonden, AKKS og DATS.

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