wheel of swindle
In 1994, it was time to make a parody of the growing number of TV quiz shows that was pouring into our living rooms. It was obvious to use, I guess the most popular show, Wheel of Fortune.
During spring 1994, a staggering, action packed quiz show ‘The Wheel of Swindle’ was launched.

From left: Rikke Kastbjerg (rear), Gert Riis, Judith Krautwald, Dan R. Brock and Per Hvass.
We put up ’The Wheel of Swindle’ on pedestrian streets and squares in some of the country's largest cities, the day before Grøn Rock (Green Rock) and Grøn Koncert (Green Concert) visited the same cities.
It was a grotesque show, where prizes, people with disabilities, was presented:
'A genuine disabled carried out in a timeless design and added an electric wheelchair with a range of approx. 20 kilometers on a full charge. There will be an opportunity to be transported around in the city if you have the patience’.
Quiz master Svend Slap (Svend Weak) played by Henrik Knudsen in front of three participants.
The questions were just as absurd, and didn’t give participants many opportunities for correct answers, in a show where the quiz master and the host, with no doubt, decided the result of the quiz:
'What would you do if you saw a cripple in a discotheque? A: Go to it, pat its head and say: 'It is great you are here'. B: Go to the attendant and ask him to remove it. C: Go and talk to it because it is probably bored. Or D: Buying a beer for it, because you feel pity for it.'
Annoncøren lader op til forestillingen.
Dan R. Brock
Quiz master Svend Slap (Weak): Henrik Knudsen
Hostess Wheeling Judith:
Judith Krautwald
1. prize
A real crippled:
Per Hvass
2. prize
A muscle swindler:
Gert Riis
3. prize
Rikke Kastbjerg